Moon Joggers Spotlight: Meet Andy
How long have you been a Moon Jogger? 3 months
What or Who inspires you to get out and run,walk, jog etc? 22 year old me was skinny and fit. 32 year old me is neither. I’m inspired by my past to better my future so I can inspire my own kids and family to be healthier.
What is your favorite distance to run, walk, jog? 5K
What is your favorite pre-workout snack and/or meal? Bananas, Guayaki rieshi shots, Yerba Mate
What is the best fitness advice you've ever received? Go at your own pace
Who would you like to inspire through your running/walking? My son
What is something funny and/or embarrassing that has happened to you during training or events?
Slipping in the mud pits at dirty dash
Do you have any rituals or traditions you do before events?
Crank up the music
What is the furthest you've ever run or walked in one day?
20 mile backpacking trip in boyscouts. Aside from that, various 10 mile jaunts here and there.
Tell us more about yourself. Where your'e from, what you do for a living, what are your hobbies and anything else you'd like fellow Moon Joggers to know. I’m in Salt Lake City, I’m a barber and musician. I have a wife, a toddler, and a tiny dog. I ride my bike 50+ miles a week. I’d like to play rugby.
Describe your favorite place to run (work out). Why is it your favorite? Wheeler Farm in Salt Lake City. It feels like I’m out in the middle of nowhere, but it’s a few minutes drive from home.
What have been your biggest obstacles when it comes to running, training, exercising, etc? Asthma, bad back, bad knees and ankles, being overweight.
What has been your most favorite running experience or event? The fact that I’m actually running and succeeding is my most favorite part of this new adventure.
We love you Andy! Thanks for being part of our Moon Jogger family!